Uniden DFR9 Drops to $249

Update: The DFR9 is now available for $185. (Use the coupon code “VORTEX“) Deal expires at the end of 2019.

The Uniden DFR9 is dropping in price to $249. (Use the coupon code “SPEED“)

Uniden DFR9

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2019/03/uniden-dfr9-drops-to-249/

Uniden R7 Pre-orders Now Available

The Uniden R7 is now available for pre-order!

The Uniden R7 is based on the R3 with the same level of performance, filtering, and features, except it now adds arrows, auto-lockouts, and more. The R7 has the makings of being the ultimate high performance radar detector.

When the R3 launched, it was an instant hit. It immediately sold out and was on backorder for months. If you want an R7, I recommend you hop onto the pre-order list. Units are expected to begin shipping somewhere around early to mid April or so.

Pre-order the Uniden R7 now.

Uniden R7 available for pre-order

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2019/02/uniden-r7-pre-orders-now-available/

My Audi Q5 Radar Detector Test Vehicle

Now that I’ve uninstalled everything from my Miata, I traded it in for my next radar detector, laser jammer, and dashcam test vehicle: a 2018 Audi Q5.

This SUV is wonderful. The grill is just about ideal for installing a variety of different CM’s. Plus it’s wonderful to drive and I love spending time behind the wheel. Like the Miata, it makes me happy to drive. ๐Ÿ™‚

Here’s an introduction to the Q5 and what all I have in mind for it.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2019/02/my-audi-q5-radar-detector-test-vehicle/

Uninstalling Everything From My Miata

I’m going to trade my Miata in for another vehicle, but before I do so, we need to uninstall everything out of the car! Everything from radar detectors, laser jammers, dashcams, batteries, power cables… everything. ๐Ÿ™‚

Here’s the full video of the uninstall so you can see everything that I have been running and where it all went.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2019/02/uninstalling-everything-from-my-miata/

Big Change for Uniden, Radenso, and the Radar Detector Industry

Something huge is happening… The man who worked for Uniden and was responsible for the Uniden R3 and R7 is moving to Radenso.

This is going to be a big change for Uniden, for Radenso, and for all of us who love radar detectors. Moving forward, I think Radenso is going to become an even stronger player in this industry.

Check out my video for the story.

Now Kuni isn’t an engineer himself. I didn’t make this part sufficiently clear in my original video so I’ve since put out a second video (shared below) that clarifies this further. He was the Director of Product Development and Marketing. He was the man in charge, basically guiding the radar detector program for Uniden while working with other third party companies like Attowave who actually did the engineering and manufacturing for Uniden. The engineers who all built the detectors are all still around, but the man from Uniden is now going to be replaced.

Uniden is bringing someone else on board to steer the ship for Uniden as development, updates, and customer service continues, but nevertheless there are some personnel changes happening behind the scenes.

You can also hear a word from Jon, the President and CEO of Radenso Radar, welcoming Kuni to the team at Radenso.

For full discussion about this latest change, read this thread on RDF.

Radenso and Uniden logos

Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2019/01/big-change-uniden-radenso-and-radar-detector-industry/

Escort Updates the Max360 and Max360c to Help Address Lockups

Escort just released new firmware for both the Max360 and Max360c that is specifically designed to help fix the dreaded lockup bug.

To update your detector, download Escort Detector Tools Pro.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2019/01/escort-updates-max360-max360c-fix-lockup-bug/

Uniden R1 & R3 Firmware 1.48 Released

Uniden just released firmware 1.48 for the Uniden R1 and the Uniden R3.

Download firmware 1.48 here.

1.48 brings several changes to help with K band reactivity, laser falses, and detecting multiple signals.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2019/01/uniden-r1-r3-firmware-148/

Uniden R7 Announced: An R3 With Arrows!

Uniden will soon be releasing a brand new radar detector that is potentially slated to instantly become the best radar detector on the market. It’s the answer to the question that thousands of you guys have been asking:

“When will Uniden make an R3 with arrows?”

They finally did it. Meet the Uniden R7.

Pre-order the R7 here.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2019/01/uniden-r7-an-r3-with-arrows/

How to Set Up and Program Your Uniden DFR8

The Uniden DFR8 is a solid basic radar detector with good performance, false alert filtering, and features. If you’re just getting started with the DFR8, here’s what all the buttons do and how to program your detector.

Purchase the Uniden DFR8 here.

Note: You can download theย Uniden DFR8 owner’s manual. This guide will provide additional information and detail.

Uniden DFR8

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2019/01/how-to-setup-program-uniden-dfr8/

How to Set Up and Program Your Uniden DFR9

The Uniden DFR9 is a solid mid-tier radar detector with good performance, false alert filtering, and features. If you’re just getting started with the DFR9, here’s what all the buttons do and how to program your detector.

Purchase the Uniden DFR9 here.

Note: You can download the Uniden DFR9 owner’s manual. This tutorial will provide additional information and detail.

Uniden DFR9 buttons

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2018/12/how-to-setup-program-uniden-dfr9/

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