Category: R8w

Uniden Releases R/TACH Radar Detector App

RTach Dash R9 multiple K band signals

Uniden has finally released their own native app for their Bluetooth compatible detectors including the R4/R4w, R8/R8w, and R9/R9w. The free app is called R/TACH and is available for download on iOS and Android. It was just released this week and I’ve just started playing with it. Here’s a look at the app’s features and …

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Uniden Announces Wi-Fi Capable Radar Detectors: R4w, R8w, R9w

Uniden has just announced three new Wi-Fi capable detectors, the R4w, R8w, and R9w. They’re effectively the same as the original R4, R8, and R9, with the exception that they now have 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi built-in, letting you connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot and update your detector over the air.

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