Which police laser jammer performs best? Recently I went back out with all the top options and a bunch of police lidar guns to see which jammers could jam the best. Laser Jammer Lineup: AntiLaser Priority Triple: 2 Regular Heads + 1 TX Black (fw 5.6.7 / 9.3) AntiLaser Priority Triple: 3 Regular Heads (fw …
Category: ShifterMax
Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2022/06/testing-best-police-laser-jammers-2022/
How to Set Up & Configure the Escort Max Ci 360
The Escort Max Ci 360 is a top notch custom installed radar detector. The Max Ci 360 owner’s manual covers a lot of the basics in how to use and configure your detector. In this tutorial, I’ll explain things in a bit more detail, go over what the optimal settings are, and cover the new …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2020/05/how-to-set-up-configure-the-escort-max-ci-360/
Testing the Best Laser Jammers of 2019
Time to test all of the best laser jammers from AntiLaser, Escort, Stinger, TMG, Adaptiv, and K40 to find out which one performs the best! In this test we’re going to focus purely on performance. For more information, check out my complete comparison review of all the best laser jammers.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2019/05/testing-the-best-laser-jammers-of-2019/
Escort Radar Detector Comparison Overview 2019
Escort’s radar detectors are designed to be very user friendly and easy to use. Their detectors do a good job at catering to the everyday driver who wants a plug-and-play radar detector, without necessarily needing to be a radar detector expert. It’s for that reason that even though there’s many different brands of detectors, I’ve …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2019/05/escort-radar-detector-comparison-overview-2019/
Escort Adds AutoJTK Support to their Laser Shifters
Escort is now finally adding AutoJTK support to their laser shifters. As of this week, the custom installed Max Ci and iX Ci have new firmware updates that add the ability for the connected laser shifters to automatically disarm after 4, 6, 8, or 10 sec of you being shot with police laser. Similar updates …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2019/04/escort-adds-autojtk-support-to-laser-shifters/
Escort ZW5 Laser Shifter Initial Impressions
This past Thursday I installed the Escort ZW5’s onto my wife’s car for a trip that we planned out for this weekend and sure enough, we headed out Friday and had our first encounter with the new setup. We ran into an officer who tagged us with the PL4.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2018/07/escort-zw5-laser-shifter-initial-impressions/
What’s the Best Laser Jammer? Reviews of the Best Laser Jammers of 2018
Update: Please see my updated laser jammer comparison guide. Things have changed since this article was first written. Are you wondering what’s the best laser jammer? If you’re looking to protect yourself from costly speeding tickets, radar detectors are excellent against radar, but they’re almost useless against laser. In practice radar detectors are little more …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2017/10/best-laser-jammer-reviews/
Escort Max Ci 360 vs. DragonEye Compact: Test Results
Update 7/13/17:Â Escort has released firmware version 1.1 which should help address the issues jamming the newest guns discussed in this article. Updated testing is showing that the ShifterMax can now detect and jam some new DragonEye guns it couldn’t before, but not very reliably. Original Post: Escort has released their latest integrated remote mount radar …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2017/06/escort-max-ci-360-vs-dragoneye-compact-test-results/