Uniden has just released firmware 1.33 for the Uniden R7.

Uniden R7 running firmware 1.33
This is a pretty big update with a lot of changes to K band, including improved BSM filtering, additional false alert filtering, MRCD improvements, and an improved menu structure. Auto-lockouts are still in development and are not included in this update, but they should be in the next update. Let’s run through all the new features and improvements that Uniden has been working on for the past months.
Download Uniden R7 fw 1.33 for Windows
Download Uniden R7 fw 1.33 for Mac
Firmware 1.33 Changelog
Here’s the changelog from their website before I go into detail:
- Quiet Ride – Added MRCD On/Off – (Default Off)
- Priority Alert – Ka/MRCD, MRCD/Ka, Strongest Signal – (Default MRCD/Ka)
- VPR Laser Gun Detection – Added Stalker XLR, DragonEye (Full size & Compact)
- BSM Filter Enhancement – K Band
- MRCD False Reduction
- Improved All Threat Display
- Added Auto Mute rear K band – (Default -Rear K Mute Off)
- Added “Heart Beat” to all standby displays
- Normalized volume for each of the alert tones
- Added Basic / Expert Menu Modes
- K Narrow/ Wide/ Extended – There is another new option “Extended” that detects signals below 24.050 (23.900 – 24.250GHz). This new option is to detect the radar guns operating with signals below 24.050GHz.
Improved BSM Filter
First off, improved BSM filtering! The “K Filter” now does a better job of filtering out blind spot false alerts.
How effective is it? Well beta testers who ran 1.29 for a while and then switched to newer firmware have reported that the new BSM filter is more effective than it was with 1.29 and that the R7 is now quieter.
I’ve been running a variety of betas for a while so I don’t remember exactly how 1.29 performs anymore to say specifically how 1.33 is better. Instead I’ve been running the V1 Gen2 and Redline 360c more lately and I find that the R7 is still noticeably chattier than the other two. This update doesn’t bring it up to par with the competition unfortunately. However, it should be an improvement over 1.29 nonetheless, especially if you’ve been wanting a quieter R7. 🙂
Basic / Expert Modes
The R7 now has a basic mode and an expert mode.
Basic mode simplifies the menu and gives you access to just some of the key features. Expert mode allows you to unlock and customize every option available in the R7 such as additional filtering options, band segmentation, alert color customizations, custom alert tones, setting the time zone, etc.
(This option does not change when resetting the detector to factory default.)
Basic Mode Options
Here are the menu options available in Basic Mode:
- Highway / Advanced / City
- X / K / Ka percentages (in Advanced)
- Speed Camera On/Off
- Redlight Camera On/Off
- RLC Quiet Ride Speed
- Voice On/Off
- Ka Frequency Voice On/Off
- X Band On/Off
- K Band On/Off
- Ka Band On/Off
- Laser On/Off
- MRCD On/Off
- Display Mode
- Scan Icon On/Off
- Display Mode
- Alert Display Mode
- Speed Unit
- Auto Mute On/Off
- Auto Mute Volume
- Quiet Ride
- Quiet Ride Beep Volume
- Limit Speed
- Factory Reset
- Delete All Mute
- Delete All User
- SW Version
- DB Version
Expert Mode Options
Here are all the additional options that show up when switching to Expert Mode:
- Rear Balance
- GPS On/Off
- K POP On/Off
- Ka POP On/Off
- K Filter On/Off
- Ka Filter On/Off
- TSF On/Off
- K Block On/Off
- K Narrow / Wide / Extended
- Ka Narrow / Wide / Segmentation
- MRCD / Ka / Signal Priority
- Mute Memory X/K / Ka/MRCD
- All Threat On/Off
- Display Color
- Arrow Color
- Band Color
- X Band Tone
- K Band Tone
- MRCD Tone
- Ka Band Tone
- Bogey Tone
- Laser Tone
- Rear K Mute
- Dark Mode
- Auto Dim
- MRCD Quiet Ride On/Off
- Time Zone
- Battery Warning
- Battery Saver
- Self Test
- Memory Quota
Note: The MRCD options only show up when MRCD is enabled.
Extended K Band Scanning Range
We now have a new K band mode (K Extended) allowing us to scan down below 24.050 GHz when desired (again), down to 23.900. This is useful if you encounter certain guns (like some MRCD photo radar guns) that operate lower in K band.
- K Narrow: 24.080 – 24.200
- K Wide: 24.050 – 24.250
- K Extended: 23.900 – 24.250
MRCD Improvements
There have been a lot of improvements to MRCD as well.
Alert Priority
We now have more control over alert prioritization. Here’s how multiple signals are prioritized with the new modes:
- Ka/MRCD Priority: Ka -> MRCD -> The strongest radar signal (X or K Band)
- MRCD/Ka Priority: MRCD -> Ka -> The strongest radar signal (X or K Band)
- Signal Priority: MRCD -> The strongest radar signal (X, K, Ka Band)
Reduced MRCD Falsing
MRCD falsing has been reduced. I do still see some MRCD falses myself though so they have not been eliminated.
MRCD Quiet Ride
We now have low speed muting available for MRCD, independent of low speed muting for traditional radar. To set this, you can use the new menu option called “Q-Ride MRCD.”
MR in All Threat Display
When a lower priority MultaRadar signal is shown in the All Threat display, instead of showing up as a “K” signal, it now displays “MR” in the side window.
All Threat Display Latch Time
Speaking of the All Threat Display, the latch time has been increased for signals that show up on the smaller left window so that the alerts stay on screen a little longer and don’t flash on and off so quickly. This helps to stabilize the display.
Mute Rear K Band
When the R7 is set to Expert Mode, there’s a new menu option called “Rear K Mute” which automatically mutes all K band signals behind you. This can be helpful to quiet down signals that are usually lower risk. Front and Side K band signals will all alert normally.
VPR Laser Gun Detection
Laser gun detection has been improved for variable pulse rate guns like the Stalker XLR, Dragon Eye SpeedLidar, and DragonEye Compact. This update helps the R7 recognize those pulse patterns and alert to those guns. It’s not a change to the detector’s sensitivity to laser.
Heart Beat Icon Change
The blinking “heart beat” icon is now available as a separate menu option called “Scan Icon” that can be turned on or off independent of the scanning bar animation in the “Scan Display” menu option.
Normalized Volume for Alert Tones
To keep the volume levels similar for the different alert tones, they have all now been normalized.
Quiet Ride One Beep Volume Control
There is a new menu option called “Q-Ride Beep Vol” that lets you set the volume of the initial quiet ride (low speed muting) beeps. You can disable the beeps altogether now (set it to Volume 0) or adjust the initial beep volume to be anything between Volume 1-8.
RLC Quiet Ride Display
When a redlight camera alert is being muted by low speed muting, you’ll now see the green “Q-Ride” text displayed on screen.
Menu Scrolling Change
Finally, if you long press the Volume – or + buttons on top of the detector, it’ll let you cycle through the menu options. This is slower than quickly pressing – or + buttons to get to where you want, but it is a small new option here in this latest firmware.
Where to Download 1.33
You can download firmware 1.33 off Uniden’s website here.
Note: The update on their website is just for Windows, but you can use the Mac software included with previous firmware versions to update to 1.33 on Mac. (Uniden, please start including a link for Mac software too with every update you release.) To make things easier, I’ve gone ahead and packaged up everything you need here:
Download Uniden R7 fw 1.33 for Windows
Download Uniden R7 fw 1.33 for Mac
If you need help updating your R7, you can watch this firmware update tutorial video.
To program your R7, check out my updated R7 settings guide.
Finally, if you don’t have an R7 yet, you can purchase your Uniden R7 here.
This website contains affiliate links and I sometimes make commissions on purchases. All opinions are my own. I don’t do paid or sponsored reviews. Click here to read my affiliate disclosure. |
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“Well beta testers who’ve been running 1.29” I think you meant the new 1.33 here.
No, I actually meant beta testers who ran 1.29 for a while and then switched to newer firmware. I mention in the following paragraph that I haven’t run 1.29 in a while which is why it’s tougher for me to directly gauge the differences between 1.29 and 1.33. I do see how that sentence is confusing though so I’ll edit the post to clarify. Thanks for bringing it up. 🙂
It’s time to update the “how to setup R7” – here:
To include the new params.
All done. ?
Wow!! Nicely done!!!
How about recommend settings?
They’re at the bottom of the article.
I noticed on Uniden’s site for updating they want you to do recovery mode? I remember seeing in your update video you did not have that selected. What are your thoughts?
Usually that’s only needed if you have a failed update. I’m not sure why it’d be needed for this update. I updated without checking the box and it worked fine.
Awesome job, thank you for this review!
Hey Vortex, question about rear K mute.
If on, do you at least get one blip (like a bogey chime) when it first detects the signal?
I wouldn’t want it muted if it doesn’t give any signal, because I don’t keep the display in my line of sight. Ideally it would behave similar to the Quiet Ride alert.
Rear mute will mute all signals from behind immediately. It doesn’t behave like quiet ride with an initial alert.
In your original video showing how to update the R7 firmware, you showed an image of the Uniden support page with instructions for downloading the software for both a PC and a MAC. It was under Step 4. But now, their support page omits any reference to MAC downloads and only offers PC instructions. Do you have any explanation for this for those of us who have MACs?
Did you just grab the direct Mac download links I posted in this article?
The Vortex’s Uniden R7 Settings were updated for 1.33 as well?
Yes https://www.vortexradar.com/2019/04/how-to-set-up-configure-uniden-r7-radar-detector/
The MRCD is a huge improvement from where it was at before the update I could be right next to the speed camera or red light camera and it would just maybe give me a bleep or a quick one bar now I’m getting at least a block or 2 and it’s picking up the signal but my Redline 360c has it beat in this part but my R7 is still my miss faithful on my long drives it just seems to give me better range and hasn’t ever let me down yet the only thing I wish more people would use escort live because unlike Waze the cops and troopers can’t remove them selves once we post them
Great to hear that!
I looked for your recommend settings at the end of this 1.33 firmware article and I don’t see them.
Correct. They’re shared at the end of my R7 settings article.
Can’t seem to update with a Mac. Followed Vortex 4/2019 video on downloading from a Mac which worked in the past. Used Version 1.2. Opens drivers and installed the installer. Cannot read the current version, meaning it is not connecting to the unit. Drivers have been installed and Installer given permission to install. “Should” work. Any ideas? Calls to Uniden are generally useless as they know little about Macs.
I’m guessing you traded to Big Sur? I upgraded and now I can’t see my Uniden detectors. I notified Uniden and hopefully they’ll take care of it soon.
Yes, Big Sur it is. Was able to upgrade, albeit with difficulty and multiple installations of drivers on another mac in the house on an older OS. Wish it was as simple as the new V-1 we also have in another car. That was easy!!
Is it worth upgrading from R3 now with the 450 price tag on sale. Thanks
Agreed 100%. I have both R3 and R7. The R3 filters this but not the R7.
Is there a newer version than 133.141.113? I just purchased a new R7 and I wanted to download the latest version which on Uniden’s website appears to have come out in 1/22/2021 which is after the October 2020 date on version 133.141.113. The problem is that when I download the firmware for a Mac I don’t see a bin file. Am I missing something here?
I just bought a Uniden R7 extended yesterday
It has more false alerts than my 5 yr old valentine
You have to be bill gates to do anything to this radar detector
I’m thinking about sending it back
I would never recommend this unit if you are just an avg computer skills person
Not true.
Considering the R7’s 1.41 update, any early thoughts? The previous 1.37 was transformative, turned this overpowered, feature-rich system into something I could actually use without having a co-pilot onboard to run it. The auto-mute is especially useful; in fact I’ve been deleting my user logs to eliminate the endless repetitive “user log ahead” warnings, now I simply mute them and it seems to remember.
Final thought – with the 20210702 database update I’m getting erroneous “speed camera ahead, you are exceeding posted speed” warnings that can’t be muted. These are on roads I travel daily with no visible fixed cameras (one is a dead-end residential street) and the speed limit it alerted is not the posted one (e.g. I’m doing 35 in a posted 40). Theory one: People reported the non-radar cameras on street lights in a place where there are almost always police vehicle speed traps to Uniden who upload them to the database file. Theory 2: These database entry locations are approximate and not tied directly to precise GPS locations much like alerting for police using Waze while you’re driving. Theory 3: (unlikely and possibly related to 2) this damn/amazing R7 is so powerful I’m getting alerted on traffic cams miles away.
I’d be interested in your thoughts on the 1.41 firmware and making the most of database updates.
Press on regardless!